2020 E John St. Appleton, WI 54915
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Service Times

We offer a trained staffed and clean nursery for ages birth to 23 months during the 10:45am service on Sunday.

>>SUNDAY TRAINING HOUR....... 9:30am

1. Our current study is on the law and the gospel. Do you know the difference between the law (what God commands) and the gospel (what God promises)? If you do not rightly distinguish between the law and the gospel, it will affect every area of your Christian life.  In this study, we will be going through John Calquhoun’s classic book, “Law and the Gospel”, to help us rightly understand the distinction between law and gospel. 


2. We also offer our “Intro to CWC” class for those interested in pursuing church membership. Material for the class will be provided for each student. The class is offered as the need arises.

>>SUNDAY WORSHIP....... 10:45am
  1. Check out the latest sermon series and training hour series!
  2. Children’s Church (1st – 5th Grade): Pastor Jason is taking the same sermon the adults hear and teaching it to the children at their level of understanding. We trust that God will grow each family in their understanding of God and His word as the children and parents hear from God’s word!

  2. Wednesday Children’s Group (1st – 6th grade) We feature a time of a game (appropriate for all ages), as well as large group learning and memorization as we work our way toward learning and understanding the Westminster Shorter Catechism. 

    We thank God for this time and finish our night together with a light snack that many times gets shared with the adults too.